Now that I live up here in the Pacific Northwest, I have the luxury of playing around with projects, not only at my own home, but at my two daughter's homes as well. (Oh, and you know how I love a project!!!)
Well, there are quite a few new projects going on between all three of our homes, and I just had to share the latest project over at Mr. C's home.
There is a small bedroom just off of the kitchen that was used as a playroom for the last family that lived here, and Mr. C's mama decided to continue using the room that way. It makes perfect sense, really. This way, Carter can walk in and play while his Mama is in the kitchen and it's easy to keep an eye on him..or join him!
Carter's Mama, his auntie, and I all got together one day and painted the room Robin's egg blue. My daughter had found a vintage shelving piece (At Camas Antiques...where else?) that we think must have been part of an old kitchen set up. Anyway, Carter's daddy mounted it to the wall and it holds lots of toys now. (How cool is that?!) A small thrifted cottage style coffee table, complete with a long drawer (perfect for housing coloring books and crayons later!) and a painted child's chair work great for Carter to play at. (Actually, he loves to eat little snacks here!) We used chalkboard paint and created a nice big chalkboard on the opposite wall, which I then painted a dictionary description of the word Play on, and finished it off with a frame made from simple painted one by fours. We completed the fabulous chalkboard area by adding a couple of little metal sparrows I still had from way back when I had my teeny tiny shop at Arlington Gardens Mall. Carter is fascinated with the birdies and loves to point at them way up there in their nest!(fyi...the smudgy look on the chalkboard is 'coz I had just painted the words and tried to clean a bit of the chalk template assured it all looks uniform today)
Old shutters that we found at the salvage yard completed the vintage details for the playroom. (which was a bit of a challenge when all of today's toys are incredibly bright and plastic!) Once Carter is a little bit older, we may add a curtain on a tension rod to the closet to create a puppet theater, but for now, the closet is crammed full of toys. I am not sure exactly who likes the playroom more, Carter, or us girls!