I had a completely fabulous whirlwind visit with the Other Tracey, and I am just now getting time to share some of the details...starting with a little something I whipped up for her before she arrived for our girls extravaganza.
(With not too much effort at all, even a four day girlfriend visit can be catapulted into something extra special, and oh! So memorable!)
So....Back when I was trying to decide if I should change the name of my business to something else, The Other Tracey and I discussed the topic in depth, and somewhere in there she shared that one of her favorite words was "Jubilee". She liked what it meant, and how it looked written out on paper. I knew right then and there that I needed to build out something for her with her word.
That's when the idea hit me.
I could make the girls weekend even more fun by creating and sending her a fun present, outlining all of the many possible activities in store for us during her visit! It was easy to come up with a word to go with Jubilee, since we are both so passionate about junk, and thrifting, and crafting...I named the event the Junker's Jubilee.
Before I knew it I had come up with an entire flip book of sorts to send to her. (I called it an "Attendee Packet".)
(Ohmygosh, it was so fun to make!)
I made a cover page, and an introduction page as to what this little packet was all about...(Places to go, things to do, people to see...)
...a what to pack page, a value proposition page (like a very old American Express ad, for those of you who just might remember them...) and a fun little page to wrap it up.
I punched holes in the pages, and connected them with a ring and a round label, which I customized, and I filled the box with an added surprise of Robin's egg blue taffy. (My nearby Winco Grocery Store has candy in bulk, and in the mixed color bin of taffy I pulled out enough of the perfect shade of Robin's egg blue taffy to work my magic!)
The mailing box packaging needed to be spot on as well, and then I noticed that my HP Ink cartridge boxes were exactly the size for a large postcard.
I continued on with my signature Robin's egg blue and and some vintage black and white photos on the box. (Okay, even I think I got a little bit carried away here...oh, well.)
Once I had my prezzie ready, I scampered down to the main post office and mailed it to The Other Tracey.(here is where I hit a road bump.) I mailed the package on Sunday, and she was arriving Thursday. I then realized when tracking the package that it would arrive at her home the very day she was leaving for my home. (and of course, she was flying in the morning, long before the postman would arrive at her home.)
(Oh, I was so mad at myself!)
This was not happening. The Wednesday evening before her arrival I whipped up an exact duplicate kit for her, and then gave it to her when I picked her up at the airport.
(Another lesson learned the hard way. This seems to be an ongoing pattern with me.)
Oh well. (On the bright side...Double the taffy!)
The Junker's Jubilee Attendee Kit turned out to be a big hit, and we had a few good laughs over the fact that I shipped it a day too late.