When you looked out your window this morning, what did you see? It's absolutely fantastically sunny and warm here! Perfect weather, if you will, as today is the official first day of spring....however....according to our local television weather expert, Dave Salesky, today is the last sunny day here in the Portland/Vancouver area for the next couple of weeks.(or more...ugh.)
The cloud's silver lining here (see that weather pun that I did there?) is that the chance for actual rain is pretty low most of those days. (under fifty percent! Yay!)
Now, most of the time the rain and the cloudy days don't usually get to me, (the darker days make me enjoy being inside my cozy home that much more) but this year has just been a bit too much even for my liking.I mean, just look at the forecast here....
Rain, rain, even on Easter...rain. (I know. It's not that bad at all, as many of you are up to your eyeballs in snow at this very moment.) I'm slightly obsessed with the weather right now, because Easter will be here shortly (on March 31st) and that always gets me wondering about the weather because I associate Easter with sunshine, outdoor egg hunts and flowers of all sorts.
Whenever Easter is earlier than later, like mid April, the weather is much more uncertain. Anyway, I am rambling here, when all I meant to post today was that it is now Spring, and that causes my heart to lift, as we are looking towards sunshine and longer daylight hours, and enjoying being outside much more....so, happy Spring to everyone reading this!