Time management has always been my biggest life challenge, and it has gotten way out of control while living through this pandemic. (I know I have shared this time management struggle before. I'm a work in progress.) Since the start of the year I have ever so slowly, as the slowdown to shutdown has happened, gotten into a mind-set in my head where I think I always still have tomorrow to do that thing on my list that I didn't get done. (because, I am at home, after all.)
I'm sharing this (again) because I have a blog post 99% written that is full of my gift wrap tips, and I am anxious to share, but I am still editing photos and I keep remembering more info to share. Anyway, it was on my to-do list yesterday (because I wanted to share it today) but paper crafting took far longer than I had expected. Time flies when I am having fun with glitter, glue and cardstock!
Who else struggles with time management? My latest tool is to use my Alexa, and set a timer. Then, I try to get a certain project or chore done in the allotted time. My other not-really-working-for-me-tool is a written to-do list. (I usually manage to misplace the list.) What are your tools to try and stay on a time frame? Help a girl out!