And wine.
(Okay, maybe we don't all always have wine.)
(Maybe that's just just me.)
Have you seen this movement making its way across America, to front windows of homes and stores in your town? Your city? Your neighborhood? People have begun putting hearts in their windows, along with teddy bears, and words of hope, and anything they find comforting to share with others to remind us all that there is still hope. That we are not alone. We have each other to lean on, and to commiserate with, and to be there for.
Maybe you think it's silly; cheesy even. You know what? I'm all about cheesy. Heck, if was ever there was a time to throw caution and properness to the wind and be a total dork, it's now. We might not be here come Christmas. I don't mean to be morbid, but if that's God's plan for me, I am good with that. However, while I am here, I want to make the most of each day, and let those around me, the ones I know and love, along with the guy walking his dog past my house, know that they matter. That we are in this together, and we still have hope.
Ralph and I took a walk around our neighborhood, and we saw the sweetest sign on a mailbox post around the block from us....
I told Ralph I had seen the heart in the window movement on the news, and we both liked the idea. He said I needed to whip up something for our window. (Well, you know that was all the encouragement I needed...) In about a half of an hour, I had created a quote for a banner type sign in our window and Ralph helped me hang it up.
Yeah, it's cheesy. It's schmaltzy. It's a tad bit unusual thing to put in your window, (but still, it's Bob Marley for gosh sakes. It's still cool. And relevant.) but who cares? It made us both smile, and if it makes someone passing by do the same, and feel less alone, less quarantined, less out-of-control, I'm good with that.
After I shared my window pictures with a friend she suggested I put it in my shop as a printable, so I did!
My Mom then needed a smaller version, so you will find both a three foot wide and a six foot wide instant download listing in my etsy shop, here. Join the movement! (and if you do, please, please share a picture of your window with us!!)