Have you heard of this place? (I should say places, since they have soon to be five locations, and counting...) As of the end of January, I hadn't heard of them. On my visit to the biggest little city last month, the Other Tracey and I went to breakfast, and she chose this place because she not only loved their food and kitchy atmosphere, but also because she knew of their Portland roots. (Living in Portland, but originally from North Carolina, three guys started Pine State Biscuits by perfecting their biscuits and gravy, and taking it to the Portland Farmers Market each week back in 2006. They quickly built a following, and by the end of their second farmer's market season, they were ready to open their first brick and mortar in 2008.
More Portland locations followed.
Then, of all places, a Reno, Nevada location!
(I love these kinds of stories, don't you?)
How had I not heard of this place?!
I ordered biscuits and gravy, because...well, Pine State Biscuits. (It seemed wrong to order anything else on my inaugural visit.)
The other Tracey ordered the cornmeal blueberry pancakes. (Oh my gaaaa, I was drooling over them.)
We also ordered one of the homemade caramel cinnamon pop tarts to share.
(To. die. for.)
The entire place was just too cute, with clever signs, and diner-ish decor....
...the food was fabulous, and I left there determined to try out one of the Portland locations sometime in the very, very near future.
#pinestatebiscuits #passthegravy #theothertracey #kindredspirits #acottageindustry