That is what one of my incredibly type A personality best-friends told me I am lacking.
And I am quite sure she is correct.
I was sharing all of my frustrations with her surrounding my disorganized daily routine, including, but not limited to creating my paper banners, flags and fun items.
Enthusiasm I have covered.
Creativity, I'm in the top twenty percentile. (If I do say so myself.)
Completion.....ehem...cough. cough. sputter, sputter....I will say that I do work well with a tight deadline, but an overall success rate on a start-to-finish original project? I seem to get to the point that a fuzzy view of what the finished project might look like, and ....I always without fail often times stall.
(It's like I can envision the completed item, and lose interest...?)
Frustrated with myself, I asked my bestie, who is very organized, and always tidy, what she thought my problem was, and that is what she said.
I am lacking to-do lists, and simple organization. (As in, when you use something, put it away. Where it belongs.)
Potentially life changing!
(at least for me it could be.)
I'm trying it out today, as I have oodles and toodles of semi-half-baked-ideas for holiday paper goods to get ready for the Christmas season in my booth, and online. I'm excited to see how this sounds-too-easy-to-work-for-me idea works for me.
Wish me luck!
(Oh! And, happy Halloween!)