We (My Ralph and I) flew to Phoenix for a quick-but-fun-filled-weekend trip for the Seahawk/Cardinal football game, (Go Hawks!) and we are heading home tonight. I'm here, in the hotel room, sitting at a table with my Macbook, my head bursting with ideas, and thoughts, and oodles and toodles of things I have been wanting to share with you.
I suddenly realized that I had a nice slice of quiet time here this morning...er....mid-day, and it is the first day of a new month. (I love the symbolism of that, you know? New Month, and a Monday- first day of most folk's work weeks...fresh and new.) It seems like the perfect time to get myself back to my happy place of writing.
So.........Where to begin?
It's been a good long while I know, and I am not sure who is still out there checking in here, (or reading anyone's blogs any more for that matter) so I may very well be writing this for myself, but no matter. I have been quite literally aching to get back to my daily writing, and if no one is reading it, I still need to do it.
It feeds my soul.
Life has been busy, busy, busy for me, (as I am sure yours is as well) between my newest career move with Redfin Realty, my booth space at Camas Antiques, a few treasures at The French Door, my etsy Shop, my family, and my friends.
In a nutshell, my life currently looks kinda like this: I am still adjusting to having complete control over my work day schedule, while at the same time, being flexible, as I am at the mercy of my day changing with a two hour notice. Ralph has some upcoming band gigs, I've got grand babes I want to spend time with, and another play with my Mom, and a gal-pal scheduled at our local theater coming up soon. I just bought two aaah-mazing new rolling pins I can't wait to try out with my sugar cookie dough, and I'm a little bit over knee deep in glitter and sheet music, creating Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving decorations for my shop.
Oh, and on Sundays we do football.
(And some Mondays and Thursdays.)
So, yeah, life is busy, and good.
I'm betting your life looks similar; people to see, places to go, recipes to try. If you have time, I hope you'll stop by and check my blog out again soon, because I plan to be right here, sharing my thoughts, ideas, and stories.