Truth is, it's oh-so-much-harder-than-I-feared it would be, and daunting, and frankly, scary as hell.
I'm talking about my attempt to pass the real estate licensing test for a possible new career. (Remember? I shared it here a couple few weeks back.) At this moment, I am not sure if it's the one thousand pages of legal speak and formal jargon I need to read, digest, and remember for the three hour (?!) test to get licensed, knowing that the test pass rate is approximately 45%, or if it is that I am just plain too old to learn all of this online, and maybe I need to sit in an actual classroom in order for the information to have a chance at sinking in.
The number of words and terms used that I have honest-to-God never heard of before, (often times meaning the same thing) in the first 110 pages alone, got me so jacked up that I had nightmares all night long last Wednesday night. I have tried to calm myself down by giving myself little pep talks in my head, and by taking short breaks from reading. (Picture me chanting, serenity now"" like they did on Seinfeld years ago...)
I've been making flashcards for words and terms I need to know, but often cannot pronounce, (Escheat, for example...) as well as highlighting points to come back and study, as I am sure they are important. (At this point, more of each book page is highlighted in yellow than now, and I am thinking that just can't be right.)
I know that I tend to get a little overly dramatic (have you noticed?) about pretty much any big-ish event in my life, and, this is clearly not going to be an exception. I am utterly and completely holding on by a thin thread, hovering between keeping-it-together, and giving myself a nervous breakdown.
I share this today for a few reasons. First off, in the name of keepin' it real, I want you to know how am doing on my unsteady path down the wacky world of real estate, and second, I'm rather hoping that by sharing, I can get a grip on things and reel myself in a little bit. (Like Dr. Phil used to always say, "You've got to name it to claim it.") Lastly, I am sharing it so that, if I seam to have fallen off the face of the earth for a few weeks, you will know why. (I'll be deep in study-webinar-and-quiz mode, mumbling "serenity now" under my breath....)
Wish me luck, peeps. I need it.