Maybe it's because I have been so busy, or because I am a little...ehem...older, but the days leading up to this Christmas (and Thanksgiving, for that matter.) flew right on by. We're enjoying the lights twinkling on the incredibly dried out Douglas fir tree in the corner of the living room, and I am debating whether or not to take down all of my Christmas decorations today (as I usually do...) or leave it all decked out through New Years.
One of my best gal-pals is coming up next weekend to ring in the new year with us, and I always feel like my cottage looks so bare when I put away the Christmas decorations, you know? Still, I am leaning that way. Otherwise I will risk being one of those folks with their Christmas stuff still up at the end of January, because I will be back at work.
I think I just talked myself into putting things away today.
On the plus side, if I do take down the decorations today, I can deck my mantle out for New Year's Eve. And, truth be told, at this point, the tree isn't the only Christmas decoration looking dried up and tired. The little live tree in my kitchen has been sitting on a stool right near the heat vent, and I am now wondering if it will survive when I try to put it outside, or if it will go into complete shock. (I moved it to the garage tonight as an ease-into-going-back-outside to live transitional move.)
I had this crazy idea of having a little live tree in the kitchen each year, and then planting it, one after another, in the back yard along the fence, with little markers stating the year. (We'll see how this plays out.)
When do you do your holiday tear down? Right after Christmas? (Are you too busy today hitting the After-Christmas sales?) After New Years? In February? Am I the only one that rushes to put it all away after the holly-day is passed?