...or should I say re-doing?
So, I shared an idea back a couple of weeks ago on printing photos in engineered print mode from Staples. (Right here. Remember?)
Well, more than a couple of you asked if the child in the photo was a family member (Sadly, no.) and a couple more got really excited, saying they had actual family photos with American flags in them, and they were going to dig them out and copy the idea.
That's pretty awesome.
Then, my Rock n' Roll Buddy noticed the picture (three full days after it had been placed on the mantle.) and he asked if it was a family member. I said no, to which he replied, "Awe, too bad. That would have been so cool."
I thanked him for taking the zippity-doo-da out of my idea and we both chuckled. Later, when I repeated the story to my middle daughter, she cut me off before the zippity-doo-da part and interjected, "Yeah, you do. The year you dressed Lindsey as the statue of Liberty for the neighborhood 4th of July parade and block party, and she rode in the back of the Rich's convertible."
Oh, my.
I had forgotten that fun photo worthy event, way back some thirty years ago. (I think I was so focused on the idea of "old" pictures being from way back before color photos came along....) My heart started to palpate as I remembered doing up the page in the family photo album (Oh yeah, way, way back, before digital. Using the old-school method of photography and scrapbooking.)
(And, before Pinterest, I might add. We had to actually come up with our own ideas back then, with no outside help.)
I couldn't wait to open the photo album to find the page I needed. After about 26 seconds, I found it.
Even better than I had remembered, I snapped pictures of the photos in the album with my phone, and before you could say God Bless America, I was uploading photos to Staples online.
An hour later, my prints were ready for pick up.
My Gawd, I love technology, even if I don't quite understand it.
I ended up ordering the solo shot of my first born in an 18 by 24 to go along side the big print on my mantle, and then later decided it was just too much going on. (It was a hard decision, as it was most certainly the cutest danged photo the statue of Liberty ever took, even if it kinda does look like she is headed to her first toga party, and her eyes are closed.) I'm giving it to my daughter to showcase in her home instead.
I know the first photo of the little guy with oversized dynamite was cute, but this one makes my heart well up, and my eyes overflow with happy little salty tears, remembering those precious days...those days that people tell you you are going to miss, and you don't believe them because you just want those children to stop bickering, and eat their broccoli.
I'll tell you what. Those people were right. And I'm glad I have those photos to bring back those times for me.