I love making little handmade things more than biscuits and gravy, but sometimes I can get so engulfed in what I am creating, that I lose track of time, and am not quite happy with what I am making until I have the colors just exactly right. Consequently, I will come up with ever so slightly changed fonts, or color-ways, and I am compelled to reprint a sample, only then to discover a typo, or the shade of blue I was after has taken a turn towards purple and I need to print again.
While this is going on, the little tiny wheels in my head are usually coming up with additional ideas that I am too excited to wait until an appropriate time tomorrow to try out, and I start a second project then as well. (Right about the time this occurs, I usually glance at the clock on my computer, only to discover it is already tomorrow, and I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. for work. (Inset an audible shriek here, followed by a fairly long sigh.)
At this point, I am far too excited about my projects to just stop and go to bed, so I go ahead and work until I feel like I can see, at least in some sort of vague way, a glimmer of how the finished product is going to look. Only then do I finally feel sleepy enough to call it a night.
I hugely regret all of this when my phone alarm goes off with that annoying tune at o'dark thirty, and I then proceed to startle myself when I lock eyeballs with that incredibly haggered looking woman in the bathroom mirror while brushing my teeth.
I vow to myself not do this again on a week night, but then I see my latest and greatest mess work-in-progress, still strewn all over my dining room table, and that inspired feeling returns. I remember that life is short. Sleep seems over rated (...in that moment, at any rate.) and I only live once, so if occasionally crafting into the night...er..early morning is wrong, I don't want to be right.
(Please. Tell me you've done this, or something similar, at least one time yourself.)