(They're boutonnieres!)
I know. I’ve been MIA.
Life has been crazy busy.
(Isn’t that true for all of us?)
Between trying to get all the rooms in my cottage painted, my busy season at my grown-up girl job, and the big etsy order I had, I’ve been spread a little thin.
The rooms are now all painted, (Yippee!) the etsy order has shipped (Yippee some more!) and work is…well, still crazy busy. (But that is a good thing.)
I had so much fun doing my etsy order that I was kinda sad to have it completed. Then…the shopper emailed me wanting to know if I might be able to create boutonnieres to coordinate. Hellooooo! Yes, I would love to! I sent her photo samples, and we shall see what she decides.(I will keep you posted, don'tchaknow.)
They were so fun to make that I will be adding them to my etsy shoppe later this week. (After Thanksgiving is out of the way…)
What do you think? Can you see these on a sharp dressed man’s lapel at a black tie affair, or better yet, a new year’s eve wedding party?
I’m swooning here.