(Having trouble figuring out what that is a picture of, exactly?)
(It's a treasure. It's shot with my iPhone, looking out the back window of my 52 pickup truck.)
As I shared just last week, I have always struggled with keeping my creative spaces neat and tidy.
Okay, I struggle with keeping most any place neat and tidy, but in my craft room, the struggle has always seemed to be outta control.
I spent a good portion of this past weekend addressing this problem, (When I wasn't making a huge untidy mess working on the big etsy order...)
....and while I don't want to sound overly confident here about my organizing and tidying skills, I think I may be on to something this time.
You see, I have had this idea percolating in my head for some time now, that old school entertainment centers would make perfect a storage center in a craft room, or an antique mall booth space.(circa 1980, when TVs were big and deep, and we liked several cubbie holes to hold our VCR and wide assortment of VHS tapes.) I'm talking about the solid oak, five-hundred-million-pound-multiple-cubbies-and-one-big square to hold your television entertainment centers.
And I found one on craigslist, just a couple of miles from my home.
(Inset wild cheer here.)
For twenty five dollars.
(Repeat wild cheer here.)
And I offered the guy twenty and he said okay.
(Who could pass up that sweet deal? Not me.)
I whined begged pleaded convinced my Rock n' Roll Buddy to go with me in my old blue truck to pick it up.
(This is where things got a little dicey.)
It turned out that the entertainment center five feet wide and six feet tall, and it was made of thick, solid oak.
(Remember the 80's? Oak was the thing. Heavier than anyone could imagine, but cool looking.How had I forgotten that?)
Yeah, heavvvvvvvv-y.
It took three of us to get this ridiculous thing into the back of the truck, and once it was there, my rocker buddy informed me that he would not be moving anywhere again.
Undaunted, and basking in the confidence that this was going to be too perfect for words, I let it go for the evening, and figured we could find an easy solution on Saturday.
Saturday came, and I called around for back-up support but struck out. We finally ended up getting a kindhearted-and-available neighbor to help out, since he didn't have any plans until the Duck game on TV at 4:30.
It was touch and go, with a few frightening moments where I couldn't decide if my neighbor was going to have a full on heart attack, (Seriously, I have never seen a person sweat that much.) or my Rock n' Roll buddy was going to have an asthma attack, and then there was the part where the entertainment center got wedged real good between the hallway and the office doorway, but I prayed hard, and held my breath, and in the end, other than a three foot long scratch in the hardwood floor that I had to sand a bit and seal, it was all good.
Actually, it was better than good. It was fabulous.
It holds and organized a lot of my crafting supplies, and holds my printer perfectly. Now all that is left to do is add one more shelf above the printer, and paint it all white.(Update to follow when I get to that point.)
It turns out that rock n' roll and big hair weren't the only cool things in the 80's.