So, I did up a chalkboard easel to share all of the engine details about Old Blue at car shows, and a few people wrote to me, wanting to know how I did it.
First of all, it looks like I chalked it on there, but it is really white paint. I used the same method I have been using for about twelve years now, which is detailed in a very old blogpost here.
And, more
If you click on the links, you will find the "How-To's" for making your own sign. Today I wanted to share the fonts I used, which look great when wanting a "chalked" look paint job on a board, sign or framed art.
**EDITED TO ADD: These are PAINTING techniques, and not chalk techniques. You can do the chalk portion and then clean up the chalk dust shadowing and use it that way, but my sign on the easel was made to be permanent, so I used regular latex white paint. Any craft paint will do!
The fonts I used are:
There you have it.The fonts were all free, so go grab 'em....easy, peasy.
Do you have any other favorite "chalkboard" type fonts? Please share!