So, I may or may not have eluded to the fact that I am oven-toasting-challenged in yesterday's post.
And that made me think of toasters.
Because I do not currently own one. might be surprised to know that coconut isn't the only thing I have trouble oven-toasting. I also struggle with toasting toast in the oven.
(Let us pause for a moment to remember yesterday's post and the incinerated shredded coconut.)
Why do I not own a toaster, you ask? Well, I used to, way back in the day, but I haven't had one since...well, since before I became suddenly single. After that, I figured there was no real need for a toaster, because I like toast too much.
It's the old "If you give a Moose a Muffin" theory again.(This theory applies to so many areas of my life. Are you following me here?)
If I had a toaster, I would want to make some toast. (I like toast.) If I made toast, I would want jam to put on it. If I had jam, I'd eat the entire loaf of And then I'd outgrow the few clothes that do still fit my chubby bum, and if...well, hopefully you get it.
Mmmm, I do love me some toast.
Oh, where was I? oh yes, toasters, or my lack of a toaster in this case.
I would like to have a toaster because I like to make toast for my guests. Mr Rock and Roll Buddy's favorite dinner is breakfast, and that has to include toast.
But....have you looked at toasters lately in the stores? Ca-razy insane expensive if you want a cute one. (and I refuse to buy one that is not cute, because I am all about the charm-factor.) I found one a few weeks ago at William Sonoma that has a feature that actually reads. "A bit more".
Imagine that! A friendly toaster. I thought that was adorable. I knew it was a match made in heaven, until I looked more closely and discovered the downside of this cute toaster is that it cost (on sale, no less...) $129 American dollars.
It's a toaster, people. It simply toasts certain things. Flat things like bread and bagels. (And not coconut.)
I will continue my search for the cutest toaster ever made at a realistic price at yard sales and thrift shops (It has got to be chrome colored, and not all plastic, and well...if it had a button that read "A bit more" that wouldn't hurt either.)
In the meantime, I will continue to work with what I've got, which is Miss Daisy, my harvest-gold-works-like-a-charm retro range that came with my cottage, and maybe I'll master toast-making before the batteries in my smoke alarms die.