We've got one more first birthday coming up in a couple of weeks for grand-babe number eight. (Oh, how time flies!) I'm helping with some of the details, including little mister's smash cake, which will be topped with a little banner, and a teeny tiny elephant. (I found him for two bucks at Michaels Craft Store. Who knew little plastic animals would be found there? Not me.)
Last night I had some fun getting my petite pachyderm celebration-ready with a party hat made from a small scrap of scrapbook paper and some little stamens from a silk flower, and an eensy-weensy bow on his tail.
I'd love to have a little balloon floating up toward the sky from his trunk, but I haven't found anything that will work quite right just yet....
Even without a balloon, I think he looks like he's ready to party, don't you?