We're off and running, with the first round of the second flavor of ice cream in the ice cream maker. This time we tried a couple of different strawberry recipes. The first one (pictured above on the right side of the bowl.)was supposed to taste like Ben and Jerry's strawberry ice cream. I'd say it was an okay recipe over all. The recipe was very easy, but I think the strawberries needed to be cut into fairly tiny pieces, and I had simply cut them as I do when I make strawberry shortcake, so, if I make it again, I will do that. Better yet, pureeing the berries in the blender is an even better option.The second recipe (on the left side of the bowl.) was for a roasted strawberry ice cream, with a bit of balsamic vinegar (oh-so-very Italian!) and it is my personal favorite of the two recipes.This recipe has you roast the strawberries,mixed with sugar and the balsamic vinegar, and later, chop 'em up in the blender, which I think was what made it a more flavorful treat.
The reason I tried two recipes was that the first coconut ice cream recipe bombed, and I figured there was a chance it could happen again (but I hoped not!) I didn't want to chance anything. We are having friends over this Saturday night for a barbecue, and to play cards...and we'll need to have dessert...homemade ice cream! (Hence the need to find a really yummy strawberry ice cream recipe...)
( Of course, we will also have more of the homemade coconut ice cream as well, 'coz I want a variety, and it's so yummy too.)