I have been meaning to share the latest fabulous cookbook purchase I made for a couple of weeks now, but then other topics kept coming up and I very nearly forgot about sharing it. Last night I remembered, and here it is.
I had pretty much sworn off hard copy cookbooks, because I can find any and every recipe I might desire online.
But then I stumbled upon this cake cookbook, and since I have always been first and foremost, a cake-girl...well, I pretty much had to get it.
I know...I have been on a pretty extensive ice cream run of late, but cake will always be my first love.
And cupcakes.
And frosted and decorated sugar cookies.
Which are both still kinda-sorta in the same family if you think about it.
So. This cake-cookbook.
Not only does it have some absolutely mouth watering recipes,(and great photos)it's a good read. Melissa Gray works at NPR and her writing style is smart and witty. The premise of the book is that she began bringing in a different homemade cake each Monday, and then the book idea came from that. It's full of little stories about politicians, the chapter titles are a hoot, and you feel like you're sitting at a table chatting with her.
I love that.
So, while I have discovered that I prefer (for the most part)finding recipes online which saves me from having to dig through cookbooks looking for a certain old recipe, I still have a place in my heart for little gems like this one. Without gushing too much, I must tell you that this book inspires me. With each page I find myself wanting to whip out my mixer.
To run to GoodWill in search of old bundt pans.
To throw on my apron.
To bake.
And, if you take a peek inside this book, I daresay, you will feel these things too.