Yeah, baby.
I got an ice cream maker for Christmas, and with the warmer, sunny weather finally creping in, I have been a bit obsessed about ice cream, ice cream recipes, containers, and anything remotely ice cream related. (ehem...some of you might have noticed.)
Last night we took a little ride over the bridge to PTown to check out a fairly new ice cream spot that one of my friends at work told me about yesterday. (When we were discussing ice cream.)
Oh my Ga.
I can easily say it is the best ice cream I have ever tasted. (Some of the flavors, at a glance sound a bit..weird, but taste 'em before you judge 'em.)I had salt and caramel ribbon, my Rock n' Roll Buddy had Rhubarb crunch, along with my son in law, while my daughter had the Honey Balsamic Strawberry, with cracked pepper (which I think in the end, we all agreed was the best of the best.) Seriously, there were so many tasty flaors that it was hard to decide.
We weren't the only ones loving it. We got there about 8:30 PM, and we waited in a long line just to get in to get our treats.
The guy at the counter told us they have a line every day, open till close, and the line is much longer when the weather is hot.
Salt and Straw has taken Portland by storm, opening last August, and just yesterday, they opened their second location on 23rd Ave., near downtown. If you live here, or visiting, you've got to make this an item on your Bucket list.