That's the name of the Portland Oregon Parks and Rec program that brings weekly summer concerts and movies to parks all around Portland. Very cool, especially in this economy. (Have I told you before just how much I love living here in the great Pacific Northwest?)
My Rock n' Roll Buddy and I headed over last Thursday to see the Tom Petty cover band, "Petty Fever" perform. The weather was fabulous, the music was good, and we had a blast. Sitting there in the warm sunshine sharing a lil' picnic dinner while listening to free live music, people watching and laughing our heads off is a pretty unbeatable way to spend an Thursday after work, I'll tell you that.
People were flocking in all throughout the band concert, setting up blankets and chairs, enjoying the tail end of summer with family and friends. This is what living here is all about. We left after the music, but by then there was quite a crowd assembled, all cozied up on blankets waiting patiently for the movie to begin.
I had never seen one of these inflatable movie screens,, what an invention! Pure genius.
It's just amazing to me all of the wonderful activities the Portland area has to offer, if we only take the time to check them out. (Seriously, there is some sort of free concert or show or event every single day of the week.) I think it's kind of funny when I think about it, 'coz in my old life I probably would never have even considered attending something like this...partially because the Biggest Little City didn't have quite as many urban activities, but more so because in my old life we kind of just did the same things, week after week after week around town. Maybe that's another lesson I've learned these past few years- that life is short and I need to enjoy each day of it...or maybe moving up here was just a gift from God to me.
Whatever it is, I am grateful, and I hope you're all having as fun of a summer as I am.