We had an absolute blast at the Funky Junk Sisters show last Saturday, and my jaw was seriously sore from all the smiling and laughing I did. I feel like Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are a bit of a blur.
I like to think I'm good at multi-tasking. For example, I can paint a piece of furniture, talk on the phone with my blue tooth and bake cookies all at the same time. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm just sayin'... but...after I do a show, or a giant home project, or a huge bake order...I kinda hit a wall, metaphorically speaking.
I need a little down time after that. And my mind kinda goes to mush for a couple of days. I'm only sharing this 'coz I haven't posted in a couple of days, and it's because my mind went blank. Completely blank.
I can't think of anything post-worthy to chat unless you count that I watched the Superbowl. I took three bubble baths. Moose went in for a hairdo and got his nails done. Oh, and I went and got my teeth cleaned this morning. You'll be happy (or maybe couldn't care less...) to know that my check up was flawless. Mmm hmm, my "minny pearls" as my Rock n' Roll buddy calls them, are in tip top shape and good to go for another six months.
Beyond his hairdo appointment, Moose's life has been equally uneventful the past couple of days.
I guess that's a good thing.
See what I'm talkin' about? Nothing comes to mind to share that might be the least bit interesting or exciting. Oh! Wait...I got a very inspiring and exciting email from the Boys at Barn House inviting me (and my best Buddy Clark, 'natch) to be in their one and only show of the year, (which of course we are extatic to be part of!) on Saturday, July 30th, so mark your calendars now. This is a do-not-miss event, people!
Okay, I'm off to play bank teller for eight and a half hours, and hopefully get my blog post mo-jo back for tomorrow.
I hope you're having an equally unevetnful and relaxing Wednesday as well.