I am not sure if any other big cities have amazingly hip old dinner-movie houses like Portland does, but I wanted to share what I think is one of the coolest ways to see a movie. Last night my best Rock n' Roll friendie invited me to go to the Bagdad Theater and it. was. a. blast.
Now, the Bagdad is one of the many McMinamin reastaurant-microbreweries-bar-hotel-movie places up here all over the Pacific Northwest. I had been to the Bagdad before for a microbrew, and for some odd reason didn't notice from the outside that it was also an old movie theater. (I'm oblivious like that, you know.)
They play slightly older (or sometimes really old classics) movies certain nights of the week (and they run Mommy Movie Matinees too!) and you can enjoy a meal, or just a great micro-brew while you're enjoying your movie.
The theater itself was incredible. Old, and full of architectural details, with huge old lights and a bricked ceiling in the theater itself...so fabulous.
Oh, and they have plush sofas and comfy chairs to sit in if you'd prefer them over a theater fold-down chair. (So cozy and comfy...and so much more date-like than typical movie houses.) The theater was so large that it had a balcony, and of course, that is where we chose to sit.
Seriously, who knew that for just six bucks a couple you could have such a good time??? (Okay, the pitcher of raspberry beer was an extra $12 but that still is a steal of a deal!)