I got to see the coast of the great Pacific Northwest this past weekend!
Yes, I am well aware that I am in the midst of moving, but I am also acutely aware that life is just too short, and can change in a blink of an eye. When you live alone with a big yellow dog who is not in any sort of rush for you to pack or unpack for him, you learn to go with the flow and enjoy life's little presents, like a mini vacation trip to the coast, even if it does fall on your days off from the bank when you had planned to be packing and schlepping boxes to your cozy new home. You learn that life is about good friends, and fun,laughter, and the sharing first banana split you have had in over 25 years. (Oh. My. Gawd.)
You learn that the boxes will still be there when you get home. (And Moose won't mind at all.)
It was a blustery day, (which I love!) with bits of misty rain on and off, but,in between sprinkles, the weather was magnificent, and perfect for gazing out over the ocean. So beautiful.
We also did a little meandering up and down the street in the lil' town of Lincoln City, (A great place to try new things, as their welcome sign explains...) and once again, Oregon did not disappoint in the category of unusual things to find whilst out and about....windsocks or whirly-gigs anyone?
Floating fish?
Uncle Sam on a tractor?
You name it, and apparently they have it here.
Oh yes, the more I see of the Pacific Northwest, the more I love it. And I love my bestest buddy for showing more of it to me, especially in the middle of my move.