That's because you don't have to like coffee drinks to be part of this team.
Okay, so I shared a short while back that Carter's Mama and Daddy are expecting. Yes! They are in the process of adopting a baby from Ethiopia. Why Ethiopia? Well, as Carter's Mama said, once you learn a bit about the country and the situation there, you most surely will say why not Ethiopia? For starters...
We have learned that Ethiopia has over 100,000 orphans in the city of Addis Ababa alone and more than 5 million in the country, and about 800,000 of them are AIDS orphans. This being said, Ethiopia’s annual health budget is around $140 million, but what is needed to take care of the orphans is $115 million a month.
Five million orphans. In a poverty stricken nation. As a mother, my mind cannot even fathom this and my heart feels such an undescribable aching trying to imagine life as a young mother in Ethiopia.
While battling the red tape and playing the hurry-up-and-wait-some-more game, Carter's Mama found some incredible organizations that are doing some pretty great things for the people of Africa. One of these organizations is called The Mocha Club.
For the cost of just two mochas a month, you can change lives. For real.
You know it's not really my style to force feed my opinions and beliefs on you, or ask folks to join in my personal causes, but this is to important to not share. It's a no-brainer to me, as it was so very easy to get involved, and, while I may never buy a mocha, I spend more than $7 a month on magazines. All I could think of was, that I sit reading through my latest issue of Country Living, or Romantic Homes, or Martha Stewart, or incert-any-number-of-the-gazillion-magazines-I-enjoy-as-my-own-person-guilty-pleasure, there is a woman in Africa that has no way to feed or clothe her babies.
I've felt convicted to move from the 'talking' to 'doing' category, and I want you to consider joining me and the Mocha Club. You see, The Mocha Club is this website where you give up $7 a month - the cost of 2 mochas - to support a project in Africa. (My favorite part of all of this is that you can actually pick the project you'd like to help with. There are several to choose from!) For example, $7 can provide clean water to 7 Africans for one year, or that same $7 can help women in Ethiopia who were forced into a life of prostitution as an attempt to escape their situation of poverty. Here is the link to learn more about it and to join with me - I am part of the Roberts Adoption Team.