I'm not usually a Debbie Downer. Really.
But... man, oh man.
Lately it would seem that I have had a small series of sad or disgruntled posts. Sorry 'bout that. Bear with me here as I share (hopefully) one last one.
This past Monday evening sometime after 7:00 and Tuesday morning around 8:50, my good camera was stolen from my car. In my own driveway at my cottage on Norman Drive. I discovered this Tuesday late afternoon. (What is wrong with some people these days anyway?!)
I still can't quite believe it. That camera was an extension of me. I adored it, and treasured it. I have used it each and every single day since I got it. I am devastated. (yes, I know it's only a camera, but for me it was a sign of survival, and a tool to express myself, if that makes any sense at all)
I am completely perplexed as to who might have stolen it. Tuesday morning is the one morning of the week that is filled with early morning workers; my garbage guys come down the street,as well as the recycling truck. My mow guy and his son were in my front yard by 8:20 or so, as was my next door neighbor's mow guy. That's just the people I know of, not to mention several dog walkers, joggers, and anyone else that might have come along during the dead of night.
Can I trust my lawn guy? I thought so. My garbage guys? They seem to be so friendly and..honest. Now, I am just not sure. I am now suspicious, and I hate this feeling. I want to run up to them next Tuesday morning and scream at them that I hope if they took it, there was a very good reason, because I can't buy another camera, as I too, am feeling this recession. I want to tell them that all I had was my camera that I bought on a payment plan, and it meant more to me than just being a camera. It meant I was surviving...thriving actually, after becoming suddenly single.
Let me say it was a series of unfortunate (careless?) events that lead up to the camera even being left in the parked, unlocked car. (Busy day, took camera to 41 Taylor and Junkee, then decided not to take photos, nestled the camera under the front passenger seat, forgot about it- Oh, how I cringe each time I remember this- I didn't need it that night for my blog post 'coz I already had a picture, yada yada...)
Tuesday morning I realized it was missing, but it took several hours before I actually realized it had not been misplaced, but stolen from my car. Looooong story short, my passenger door was found ajar and the camera gone. I filed a police report and I hope to God whoever took it needed to hock it for grocery money. The "if only...I could have...I would have..I should have..." have nearly driven me over the edge the past 24 hours. (Have you ever had an experience like this? Where you would give anything to turn back the hands of time just one day...just one hour!...to undo your mistake?) Trust me, I have beat myself up over a million times and I am absolutely sick about this, but a lesson was learned.
The lesson was..s l o w d o w n . Stop trying to "do it all" all the time. Too much on my mind and I wasn't paying attention.
I do still have my old point and shoot camera, and that will be what I shall use now. And my car will never be left unlocked again, not even in my driveway.