Thanks for all of your great feedback on thrift store price gouging, as alarming as it is. I had no idea that I would spark such a lively vent-fest about Thrift Store prices with yesterday's post!(And you had me laughing out loud with phrases like "the ladies in the back on crack" and "BadWill"!) I am truly shocked (and more than a little saddened) to realize it's a nationwide epidemic, and I think I can feel the rumblings of a major revolution here.
As for me, I plan to boycott of the high priced Thrift Shops for as long as I possibly can,(starting yesterday!) and that should be quite a good little while since it's summertime. They need a reality check, not so much for folks like me that are re-purposing items to earn a living, but, more importantly, for people that need essentials at a price they can pay so they can get by in these tough times. I must admit I will miss chatting with Warren, our favorite Sally employee, but, so it must be. I can hit garage sales each and every weekend until the end of September. Maybe I can stockpile enough goodies to carry me through winter!
Speaking of stockpiling, remember my collection of chairs? Well, two more completed, thank-you-very-much. (Please excuse the garage door backdrop- I couldn't get the chair through the tight doorway from my laundryroom to the kitchen. Oh! Special thanks to the Sewing Queen of northern Nevada for making the most incredible cushions!) That should have left me with seven to go, but...I discovered yet another chair ( a really, really cute Frenchie looking folding chair!) in the basement at 41 Taylor yesterday that I had forgotten all about.
Oh my. I really may need to find some kind of 12 step program for this. It's nearly as out of control as my "thing" for shoes.