So, what do you want first? Okay, let's get the bad news over with. I'll make it quick. (Well, as quick as I can. You know I kind of ramble.)
We won't be at Farm Chicks.
There, I said it. And I still can't believe it. Every time I think it, I get a pit in my stomach. It was a dream for so long, and it was so, so close. We've been planning and buying and prepping. Looking so forward to meeting blog friends. Both of my girls, one son-in-law, and the Sewing Queen were coming along to help. Rooms were booked, cowboy boots bought. I want to cry each time I think of it.
We knew from the start that Farm Chicks wasn't going to be a huge money
maker for us, because of all the expenses involved for the trip itself. We were okay with that, because it was going to be kind of a paid vacation of sorts; a memory in the making. Then, when we made the giant leap of faith and got the house, we had to take a hard look at numbers and bottom lines, and ask ourselves, "What is the smart thing to do?" It made no sense to try and cram the huge fabulous Farm Chicks event into the middle of the time line for opening the new place, especially when I would be using up all of my paid time off from the bank for the week long trip that Farm Chicks would require (Since we live about 18 hours by truck and trailer from Spokane) and the financial returns would be be little to none in the end. We need every spare penny, nickel and dime we can get right now as we start this place up.
So, we made the very hard decision to back out of our booth, before it was too late for the Farm Chicks to replace us. We wish everyone attending and selling at the Farm Chicks the very best of luck and good times. We'll be there in spirit.
The good news is that we will now have an entire week to spend every waking moment working on the house, since I do have that week requested off from the bank! Do you even know what this means to me?! To devote my days, (seven of them!) to working on my passion, my bliss?! It's heaven, that's what it is. And...all of the incredible merchandise we've been working on and stockpiling will be going in the house for our big opening. (And,trust me here, we have some wonderful stuff, people!)
The sewing queen will be working feverishly on curtains and slipcovers for little children's chairs and making tablecloths and sink skirts. (I am hoping she realized this before she read this post! Thanks Mom!) We'll be painting and working out all of the fun and fabulous details, like marketing plans and our grand gala party opening...Oh! Be still my heart. (Did I say it would be heaven?!)
Somebody pinch me. I still can't quite believe I am doing this.