Have you seen this magazine yet?
I spotted it at Lowe's hardware the other night and I just had to get it.(I haven't seen it anywhere else!) I am a complete magazine junkee, but I usually don't buy magazines off the news stands,since subscribing is such a big money saver. I had to make an exception on this one though, because for gosh sakes, it's by Phyllis Hoffman of Hoffman Publications, the woman behind the rebirth of Victoria magazine! It's called, appropriately enough, "Celebrate Spring".
The theme of the magazine is all about celebrating spring and different holidays(st. Paddy's Day, April Fools...) and fun occasions like weddings and paint parties with a spring time twist. It's complete with recipes that are so yummy sounding (and to-die-for pictures) as well as decorations, table scapes and even invitation ideas. Right up my alley, for sure. (don'tcha just love how a little thing like a picture from a magazine can inspire an entire new project?)
Last night after my bubble bath, I slid into my fresh warm sheets in my favorite pajammies and snuggled in for a good perusal of this gem. It inspired me to come up with some sensational Easter brunch ideas (all of the family will be here!) along with some dinner party ideas.
I can't wait to share my ideas with you!