Over the course of these past two-plus years, I seem to spend at least half of my time trying to figure out if I am on the right track in my life or not. Always looking for answers. Always looking for a sign that I am moving in the right direction. For confirmation of some sort that I am indeed going forward and not taking another two steps back.
My pastor wrapped up a series last Sunday entitled Re-think; why resolutions don't work." In a real small nutshell, it was about how we need to pay attention, listen, and try our best to stay on course with what God's plans are for us, not just go along with what our plans are for us, and to live every day as closely as we can to the way He wants us to live and not our way.
Since then, I have been thinking a lot about his message, have re-read the scripture several times that we were studying, and, I get the part about doing my best to live in a Godly way and following God's plan for me, not my own. Still, the big looming question for me regarding the direction for my life is, "How can I know that I am working the right plan?" I am a very headstrong person, and even when I do think I am getting a sign, it most often seem to mostly be blurry, hidden messages and hints of things, and hardly ever do I get crystal clear signs. Sometimes I even think I decide something is a sign simply because I want it to be so.
The other Tracey and I were discussing this at great length as we were out thrifting yesterday. We were talking about the path we are on for our booths and our businesses (Our passion! Our bliss!) and how it's just sometimes so hard to know if we should be dumping so much time into this. I mean, yes, it's just so much fun, and we both adore every aspect of it all- the thrifting, the re-inventing, the creating, the selling- but is it God's plan for us to make into something we can do full time? Or are we both so full of wishful thinking and so self absorbed that we are deciding on our own that it is the "right" thing?
We pondered this for a long moment. We both agreed. We needed a clear sign here.
As we got out of the car, and we were both pretty much thinking that we don't have a clue if we're on His track or ours, my cell phone rang. It was Junkee's calling to find out if we'd take 10% off of a very pricey item in our booth. It was an item we had worked on together, so the money from it's sale would be split in half between us both. I confirmed with the other Tracey that it would be fine (Fine?! We'd be thrilled! We needed that thing sold!) told the person from Junkees to let the customer know, and I hung up the phone. We stared at each other in amazement. The other Tracey then said, "I think we just got our sign."
I do beleive she's right.