For real. Uh huh. That's the number of comments that have been made on my blog as of yesterday afternoon. (Do you people like to talk, or what?!) Amazing. Incredible. Pure awesomeness. You must really like me. Or maybe you just really like to type. A lot.
I'd say that is worth celebrating, wouldn't you?! I'd say it even calls for a GIVE AWAY!
I thought and thought and thought about what kind of give away would be best suited for such a grand internet moment (um...a twelve grand moment..)...and while I'd love to give away twelve thousand of something....(cupcakes?) it would be a little challenging, not mention cost prohibitive with my suddenly-single-soon-to-be-unemployed budget. I'm not Oprah, you know.
I finally settled on this Vintage Christmas Crafting Book and these two darling handcrafted angels (aren't they cute?) 'coz nothing says thanks for the twelve thousand comments like a book and two handcrafted angels, right? Well, maybe not, but it's all I've got presently.(...and hey, it's pretty darned good vintage Christmas Crafts book and cute handcrafted angels, as I have stated repeatedly, and it's all easy to ship.)
So, here's the deal. Talk to me some more, folks. Tell me what your favorite blog post from my blog has been since it all began back in April of 2006 and the person with the most intriguing comment will win the book and angels. I've asked the card designer to help out by reading through your comments with me. (she's so good at this kind of stuff...she's thoughtful and grounded and level headed and what-not) She'll give give me her vote and we'll then choose and announce a winner on Thursday morning...sound good?
Come on. Talk to me, people. I'm all ears.