Aah yes, take a moment to just...take it all in. It's a thing of beauty.
It's almost like looking at a still life photo isn't it? ( That may be carrying it a bit far, but to me, as an avid junker, it is a beautiful sight) Each item seems more incredible than the last, and keep in mind here folks, that the deal of the summer (quite possibly the deal of my lifetime of yard sale summers) isn't even pictured here. Nope. Savin' the best for last, baby. Also not pictured is the six foot wooden ladder (a prop for the Cotillion booth) and the little black chair I already shared with you a few days ago.
These sweet little shoes actually have a squeaker in them, so when little Miss Peanut B. runs to her Gramma they will chirp. (Okay, the jury is still out on how good or bad of a feature this is, but aren't they just about the cutest little shoes you've ever seen?!)
I didn't forget the little Mr. Peanut R. either. How about this cute little selection of hats, for all seasons? ( A Gilligan's Island beach hat in a Hawaiian print, an old Navy ball cap and the cutest little wintertime hat for the snow)
How about the child's rocker? (I swear I could fill a booth with nothing but children's items!)
I somehow ended up with two huge dictionaries (I love 'em! I use them to make banners...) and Five ledger books. (Um Ya. More banners, people. Just wait. You'll see) Three lamps (It's unheard of for me to find one lamp, let alone three!) a cool vintage thermos, a clock, a pitcher, some wall candle sconces, a tool box (oh man, do I have big plans for this little gem!) a miniature chair, some candlesticks, some brand new baby shirts, little green sandals (Oh. My. Ga. Be still my heart.)a child's rocker (Actually another friend grabbed this lil' beauty for me!) a darling claw foot coffee table, and an even more darling little dresser with bow shaped towel rack above it. (it's on the floor in the picture. We had to dismantle it to get it in the car.) And that's just my haul. I was with my friend and new Tumbleweed Cotillion partner, the caterer extraordinaire, and she got some incredible finds as well, and somehow, we managed to get it all in the car.
Speaking of the car, towards the end of the morning we were laughing about just how much stuff we had and I said it reminded me of the fishes and loaves story from the bible, because we kept saying the car was full, then opening it up and sliding more stuff in at each stop. (...and as you can see, a lot of it wasn't small stuff.)
God bless the guy who thought of fold down seats in SUV's.