I did it.
I broke down and got myself a new camera. I'd been researching them for the past seven full months, (after the last engagement party when my camera was holding up the photo shoot of posed shots because of such a slow response time to actually take a picture) and I finally did it. I ended up getting the Canon Rebel XSi and I am so excited to learn how to operate it, and yet, I am still a little afraid of it. I'm not great with change, and this will take me a little bit of practice before I am feeling confident with it.
My old camera has been good to me these past 6 years, but it has become increasingly obvious that it is getting...tired. It stalls and freezes up more often than not, and with the 3 weddings I became painfully aware I had the slowest shutter time of anyone taking pictures in the room.
You know that I take pictures every single day of my life. Now, with two grandbabies (two grandbabies!!) on the way, and my various side businesses blooming, it was at long last, time for a more advanced and better quality camera.
I ended up buying it (QVC baby- gotta love their return policy, fast shipping, great prices, and the four months no interest charges payment plan!) and it arrived at my doorstep over a week ago. Last night I finally got up the nerve and took it out of the packaging to check it out. Wow. Nice. I set it on my night table and looked at it. I held it in my hands and tried to get used to the bulky heaviness of it. I mean, this is a serious picture takers photographer's camera, people. I still kind of can't believe I bought it.
This was a huge investment for me.
*sigh* A huge investment in me.