Do you buy cards right when it's an occasion for card giving, or do you keep a stash of great cards on hand? Me, I'm a card stasher. But only amazing cards. Special cards for special people, you know. And, me being ever so slightly Type A, I have them organized by occasion, in a little basket, with cute labeled cardboard dividers for each occasion. (What? Doesn't everyone do that?)
Cupcakes are pretty much my favorite thing these days, (but, you know that) and not just those I bake. Last Saturday when I had my friend over for breakfast, she brought me the most adorable bunch of cupcake cards. You see, she's a card designer.(Oh, she's too modest to call herself that, but that is what she is) She's been making cards for years. Look at them closely. The embossing, the color coordination, the perfect rubber stamps she used. (Seriously, can you even believe the cute cupcake stamps there are out there these days?) These cards are so adorable, I almost drooled on them. Really.
I tell you, I hate to give them away. See what I mean? A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.
OK, so as long as I am bragging on her handmade one-of-a-kind cupcake cards, let me also show you her puppers cards too. Mmm hmmm, adorable, I know. I have two friends with wiener dogs, but... I afraid I can't give this wiener dog card away, 'coz I like looking at it so much. (Actually, it almost makes me want a wiener dog. No. Two dogs are plenty for me. For now.)
It might seem funny, but as many things as I make, cards are not one of them. (Oh, once in a great while I might do one with a photo of the person I am giving the card to, but outside of that, nope.) I like having this nice little basket full of perfectly adorable cards, right at my fingertips, anytime I need a special card for a special someone.
*sigh* And, just knowing that someone handmade some of them (especially for me!) to share with others, makes them even more adorable.