I feel like a bit of a tease, not telling all the details of my move right now. Please know that there is a lot more involved than just me randomly deciding to jump and sell my cottage. From bad things come good, and there's a time to evaluate your life and step up to the plate. (It's that old "Life is not a dress rehearsal" concept...so true!)
Becoming suddenly single and the financial dynamics that came along with it have been a challenging learning and growing experience, to put it mildly. I've learned the hard way that people don't always keep their word, especially where money is involved and I've learned that life is far to short to try and figure out why...
Life is also far to short to spend time doing things you do not truly love doing.(It's all about following our Bliss, people!)
I'll share more with you when I can. For right now, I am focused on selling my sweet cottage and moving on to the next wonderful chapter in my life.(and rest assured, I'll share more when I can!)