Garage: ga-rage; –noun
1. A building or indoor area for parking or storing motor vehicles.
Hmm, so that's what it was originally designed for. Who knew? OK, I have, on occasion, used my garage here at the cottage for just that on and off since I moved here (every time I thought it might snow, for example) but that was always with just enough room to pull inside, sandwiched between multiple pieces of furniture at various stages of reinvention, and oodles and toodles of boxes of unpacked "stuff". While holding my breath, I'd open the driver's side door just enough to slide out and shimmy around the car to make my way into the house.
Now that the Porch Sale has come and gone, (with all of the oodles and toodles of reinvented furniture now gone!)and the fact that almost all of the boxes are unpacked, I have room to park, and even waltz all around the perimeter of my giant SUV if I so desire, which I did once I pulled the car in last night. (Actually it was more of a very enthusiastic boot scoot and boogie) I also now have plenty of work room. It's really quite a good thing.
I mean, cleaning, arranging and organizing a garage, well, it's spring cleaning taken to the next level, I tell you. (if you haven't tried this, you really should!) Talk about therapeutic. The feeling of total contentment and satisfaction of looking at a completely orderly, organized garage and workspace for my cottage absolutely amazes me. Who knew having such a spit-spot garage could be so fulfilling?