The Bride-to-be is 27 today. Twenty. Seven. When did that happen?! Wasn't it just last year she was turning three? I'm sure it was, 'coz I remember that I made that Cinderella cake with incredibly green frosting. I thought her little teeth would stay green forever.
Now I need to wear my Costco readers to look at her pictures in the album, and she is up in the Cardiac Recovery Unit at St. V's in Portland, jump starting people's hearts, and running codes. Aaaa-mazing.
She also can hop on your roof and hang outdoor Christmas lights, even though you're not sure you're up for it this year, because she knows how much you always have loved Christmas-time.
She knows more at 27 than I think I knew at 40. Or 45 for that matter. She knows that mall therapy can cure just about any woe, at least temporarily, and people are so much more important than things. She knows you can still go 67 miles once that red gas light comes on in the car, and when you do run out of gas, some nice construction worker guy will give you some gas. She doesn't sweat the small stuff.
She has always been my girly-girl, and has a heart twice the size of Texas. I am soo proud of you, Lindz. You are an inspiration and a blessing to so. many. people. Happy twenty seventh Birthday.