Kim tagged me with this "6 Weird things about you" game going around for Bloggers. Hmmm, weird things about me...well, I guess WEIRDNESS is in the eye of the beholder. That being said, judge for yourself....
1. I always get the hiccups when I eat a McDonald's Hamburger. (I actually hardly ever eat them anymore, but whenever I do, you had better believe I will get the hiccups.
2. I absolutely hate the taste of coffee, but love mudd pie. (which is made with coffee ice cream, go figure.)
3.My idea of a dream vacation would be (and always has been) to go to the world's longest yard sale, with a huge empty trailer. (see above photo of my version of a "dream trailer" ) I love thrift stores, yard sales and junking. I swear I would even be tempted to buy my own stuff back if I were to see it at a thrift shop.
4.I was a Professional Party Clown for a bit while my kids were young. The money was good, and I still got to be home with my kids. My "stage name" was Tootsie,(It came from the nickname my father called me when I was young, and as Tootsie I also gave out Tootsie rolls) and my 3 year old daughter, Heather, (the Maid of Honor) was my "assistant clown" named Bubbles. (she handed out bubble gum)
5. I purchased a child's Jr. bed (it holds a crib mattress) at a thrift shop (see #3 above) for my dogs to sleep on in the garage in the winter while I am at work during the day....think of it as a "Doggie Day Bed" if you will...this is so they don't have to sleep on the cold cement (hey, it snows here ya know)
6. My only requirements ( besides heated seats) when purchasing my car was" how much junk can fit back here" and "will it hold 2 large dogs?" (see again #3 and #5)
Hmmm, now I must tag 6 more Bloggers....well, here goes!
Carol, Amy, Carrie, Alicia, Amy, and Teresa
Now girls, just check out Kim's site for all the instructions!(If you've already been tagged, and I missed it- sorry!)