You know, having the past few months serving as a lesson in "character building" I have more had a few lemons thrown my way. I like to think that I have become some what of an expert at making lemonade.
In the move I found myself with no sofa, and a budget I clearly needed to be creative with.
Not to worry. I searched the more affordable furniture stores. Ouch. Not in my price range, and anyway, I wanted style and personality. What's that they say? Champagne taste on a light beer budget? Hmmm...I then began looking on line. Good ol' CraigsList. There it was. An antique camel back sofa in Chinese silk, ball and claw feet in solid mahogany?...(some type of dark wood)
Yes, the upholstery was shot, held together with strapping tape, but the cushion was perfect, and the frame were like new. The price? In my budget! I negotiated with the thrift shop owner and traded her a couple of odds and ends from my daughter's new condo that came furnished with a few...well, rather unattractive cheapo lamps. The fabulous ugly duckling sofa was mine, and below the price I was prepared to pay!
I then found fabric at the $2 Fabric Store (where else?) and got myself on the waiting list (7 weeks long) for my friend to slipcover this gem.
I dropped of the sofa with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Finally, I would have a sofa to fill the gaping hole in the living room.
Then, a phone call from the slip cover gal. The fabric was defective. Yes, pink washes of color all throughout the 14 yards of cream canvas. (No, say it ain't so!) I took the fabric back and had to find something to replace it- right then- or lose my place in the long line of folks waiting for slipcovers.
I roamed the store with my eyes peeled looking for the same fabric. No luck. Something similar. No luck. OK, start over. Take a deep breath, don't cry. I kept telling myself, "it's a sofa for gosh sakes, just get a grip. It's not the end of the world." But it seems that way when you are clinging to sanity with a thread.
Uh huh, life just gave me a lemon....Then, there it was. A fabric more perfect than the first, more style, more texture, more...everything. Perfection.
I made a b-line for the checkout. Turned out that there were only 10 and a half yards of this too perfect for words fabric. Oh no! Not another lemon.
In the depths of despair, I did one more loop through the store, then decided in a moment of pure desperation to call the friend doing the slip covering. Yes, she said yes!!! 10 and a half yards just may do it.
We picked up the newly slip covered sofa today at lunch time and it has now proudly taken it's place, front and center in my living room. Tonight I am lounging on it with my favorite throw, chatting with my pups, and again, feeling very blessed.
Aaaah, sweet lemonade.